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Item: 173617528

Beginning of Victory - A Study of Genesis (Workbook) by Edwin Crozier

Victorious! We, the victorious army of God's people, look forward to an eternal home with our victorious King. But every story has a beginning. God reveals our beginning in Genesis. Our victorious story begins magnificently as the universe bursts forth by the mighty power of the self-existent God (the one exception to the rule about beginnings). Light, life, order, beauty. God declared that beginning very good. Sadly, the rest of our beginning went downhill after that. In the midst of all this defeat and failure of man, God plants a seed of victory. He germinates a hope for something greater. A promised blessing begins. For all the wicked and vile beginnings we see in the story, we also see redemption, deliverance, and salvation. Recognizing that, we will be amazed this redemption, deliverance, and salvation happens with the very people who had allowed themselves to be so badly defeated. In that, we will see comfort for us. We will see the seeds and beginning of our victory.


  1. Author and Audience
  2. Beginnings and Themes: An Overview
  3. In the Beginning, God
  4. The Beginning of the Earth
  5. The Beginning of Mankind
  6. The Beginning of Sin
  7. The Beginning of a Special People
  8. The Beginning of Judgment
  9. The Rebirth of Creation
  10. The Beginning of the Nations
  11. The Beginning of the Covenant
  12. The End of Egypt
  13. Tests of Faith
  14. The Repetition of the Covenant
  15. The Beginning of Israel's Story
  16. Israel Returns to the Land
  17. The Land's Inhabitants
  18. The Beginning of Victory
  19. Joseph's Victory
  20. Israel's Victory
  21. Joseph is a Blessing to Pharaoh
  22. Blessings on the Tribes
  23. Jacob and Joseph Die