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Item: 2001583

Fencing lessons in how to wield the sword of the Spirit properly Course Description - This is a practical "how to" approach to evangelism. It is designed to deal with "what to say and how to say it." If you have not been exposed to this training at least once, please give yourself the opportunity to see how every Christian can and should be a soul winner. Once one has taken the class, it may be worthwhile to take it again every four or five years or so to refresh the student's memory and just as importantly, to renew one's motivation and inspiration for this, the greatest of all works! TABLE OF CONTENTS How Do I Feel About Personal Evangelism? The Greatest Need Appendix #1: "A Parable of a Lighthouse" Appendix #2: "Fishing: Theory vs. Practice" Appendix #3: "There's More to the Game than Just the Huddle" Appendix #4: "Foot Soldiers" Appendix #5: "Some Hot Advice for Cold Christians" Appendix #6: "Tell Them of My Way" Finding Prospects Appendix #1: "Eighty - Five Years Later" Appendix #2: "Betrayed" Appendix #3: "Acres of Diamonds" Appendix #4: "Religious Survey" Appendix #5: "A Sample Letter to New Residents in Nearby Zip Codes" Appendix #6: "Small Group Bible Studies For Non - Christians" Different Types of Prospects & Suggested Bible Study Approaches Suggested Bible Studies: Why the Bible was Written Counting the Cost of Discipleship God, Man and the Cross The Biblical Significance of Baptism Undenominational Christianity Series: Lesson #1: "Where Did All the Denominations Come From?" Lesson #2: "The Restoration Plea" 69 Lesson #3: "The Silence of Scripture" Lesson #4: "Bible Baptism" Beatitudes in Conversion The Nathan Principle Biblical and Psychological Principles to Remember in Teaching Asking for a Decision: 3 Sample Requests Answering Objections Overcoming the Fear of Rejection and Steps for Developing Courage Making the Approach, the Set-up, and Suggestions for the Members, Local Preacher and Congregation Appendix #1: A Sample "Written Approach" Letter Appendix #2: The "Personal Work Card" Appendix #3: Personal Work Scriptures Appendix #4: Track Man! 1 Bonus Feature Section: #1 - Extra Motivational Lesson-"Be Fruitful and Multiply" #2 - Food For Thought on Achieving Balance - "Staying with the Baggage" #3 - A Final Challenge -"The Eternal Revenue Service Form No. 0002" by Brent Hunter Paperback, loose leaf